
After the first international Christian colloquium, all the participants were unanimous that a revival was necessary to avoid the sinking of the church. The generalized apostasy among the church in these last days, compels us as children of God, and sons and daughters of the kingdom of God in Christ (1 Timothy 4:12 Timothy 3:1-3). 

This initiated the launching of the Missionary covenant for the revival of the Christian church. It is a platform of expression and exchange between disciples of Jesus Christ in order to take up the challenges of the Christian church. Its purpose is the spiritual and material restoration of the church and nations, and the return to the fundamentals of the faith as transmitted by the apostles of Jesus Christ. Evangelism campaigns will be organized around the world to enable the revival of the church. The first campaign will be held on May 20, 2023 in Ivory Coast and will last two weeks.

Please contact us if you or your church would like to join this vision of the missionary covenant.